
Research is considered as an important dimension of higher education. The Research & Development Cell, IQAC, which is renamed as Research & Community Development Cell , IQAC, is in charge of promoting Research Environment in the College along with Community Development Work such as dealing with Gender issues, Extension Activities, IPR related issues etc. The Cell is involved in promotion of various collaborative activities with educational and research institutes of repute. Faculty and students at the institution are encouraged to participate in worldwide and national workshops, Webinars, Seminars, conferences, and research presentations. Financial and other support was extended to teachers and students for undertaking research works, field visits etc. The teaching staffs of the college are encouraged to submit individual or joint research proposals to different funding agencies like UGC, DST, DBT, ICSSR, ICHR, ICPR etc. Apart from that, research activities are encouraged to be conducted in partnership with non-governmental organisations and autonomous agencies and organisations. Some special Research/ Seminar grants are also received by the institution from ICSSR/ UGC etc. on last 12 years.

Besides, the College is involved in signing of MOUs and establishment of Linkages with several institutions and organisations to promote faculty/student exchange, research, co-curricular & extra-curricular activities. The College promotes research-based activities for quality enhancement of teachers as well as students.
Further, the IQAC of the Institute in association with various Departments of this Institution organised various State Level, National and International Level Workshops /Webinars/ Seminars to promote Research in different fields .

During Covid-19 Pandemic period, the IQAC, Lanka Mahavidyalaya in association with various Departments, organised various International / National Webinars , where prominent Researchers / Scientist / Professors from internationally reputed Institutes, viz. Virginia Tech University, USA ; Sam Houston State University , USA; Dhaka University, Bangladesh and many reputed Universities of India had participated as Resource persons to encourage research and pave the way for research in various fields. A lot of Faculty Members, Researchers and Students from this institute as well as from various part of India and abroad had benefited from the Webinars.

The institute is in touch with foreign universities to sign MoU for research collaborations .

Presently, a Major Research Project is running in the Institute from DRDO

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